If you’ve ever witnessed a multi-vehicle crash, then you know how devastating this kind of collision can be. These motor vehicle accidents happen when three or more vehicles get involved in a series of collisions that generally lead to a pile-up. Since these can be...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
What are the hazards of driving in heavy traffic?
Driving in heavy traffic, particularly in a city like New York, requires patience, alertness and a strategic approach. Whether navigating the city's congested streets or dealing with the rush on highways, the experience can be daunting. Understanding the nuances of...
Why do motorists tailgate?
The act of tailgating has become an all-too-common occurrence. This aggressive driving behavior not only raises eyebrows but also poses significant risks to road safety. Tailgating refers to the practice of driving too closely to the vehicle in front of a motorist’s...
Important pictures to take after a car accident
If you get involved in a car accident, one of the most important things that you can do is to take photos after the incident. These can be useful for your insurance claim, and they may also help if you have to sue the other driver to seek compensation for injuries,...
Why would a truck jackknife?
When a semi-truck folds at the hinge between the cab and the trailer, it’s known as jackknifing. That hinge connects the trailer to the cab in a similar fashion to the hinge connecting a knife blade to the handle. As the truck pivots, it looks like a closing...
Managing the aftermath of a T-bone accident
A T-bone collision, also known as a side-impact crash, occurs when the side of one vehicle is hit by the front or rear of another, forming a "T" shape. This type of accident often results in significant vehicle damage and serious injuries, especially when one of the...
The top cause of weather-related crashes isn’t what most drivers think
New York experiences some pretty intense winter weather during most years. Most people who drive regularly in New York continue driving even during the most severe winter weather, even though sleet, snow and freezing rain can all make driving conditions incredibly...
What does it mean to get doored?
One type of cycling accident is known as “getting doored.” This can lead to severe injuries and may even be fatal. It’s also difficult for cyclists to avoid. Essentially, getting doored means running into a car’s door as someone opens it into the bicycle’s path....
Pickup trucks are getting larger, and that’s dangerous for everyone
Over the years, it’s clear that pickup trucks in the United States have been getting larger. For one thing, drivers are less likely to buy small or midsize pickups, choosing oversized vehicles instead. For another, the simple design of pickup trucks has gotten larger...
What causes distracted driving?
Distractions are everywhere. Parents get distracted in the morning when they’re preparing their children for school. Employees get distracted from their work when they see a new email from their boss. While these kinds of distractions can be annoying, they don’t...